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From Paradise To Pain



What began as paradise is quickly spoiled by sin. Satan, disguised as a serpent, tempts the woman by turning her gaze from God’s bountiful provision (the many trees) to God’s one prohibition (the single tree of the knowledge of good and evil). Adam and Eve’s disobedience in eating from the forbidden tree results in their expulsion from the garden. The seeds of their sin quickly grow as their first son, Cain, commits the first murder. For generation after generation the downward spiral continues, setting the stage for God’s judgment.


Satan is masterful at taking a blessing of God and turning it into something that brings a curse instead. If given the chance, he’ll convince you to seek the pleasures of sex outside the bonds of marriage; to exchange the worship of the Creator for the worship of the creation; to substitute what is convenient for what is obedient. The temptation will be cunning, the promise inviting. But as Adam and Eve discovered, the painful consequences will far outweigh the temporary pleasures. For many Christians, resisting temptation is difficult because they don’t want to discourage it completely. God has promised to provide a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13), but that doesn’t help if you keep leaving a forwarding address. Write the references of James 4:7 and 2 Timothy 2:22 in the margin next to Genesis 3. Look them up, read them twice, take them to heart. SATAN, LIKE A FISHERMAN, BAITS HIS HOOK ACCORDING TO THE APPETITE OF THE FISH.

The Wages of Sin

Gen. 3:6 With sin, the long-term pain always outweighs the momentary pleasure (3:4-7). In the serpent’s kingdom, that’s a law as fundamental as gravity. But in the Kingdom of God, the opposite is true: the pleasure of God’s presence (Psalm 16:11) always outweighs any momentary pain (Romans 8:18; 2 Corinthians 4:17). Learning to see temptation as a choice between temporary and eternal pleasures will help us overcome them.

Prophecy of Messiah

Gen. 3:15 From ancient times, Jewish rabbis interpreted this “offspring” of the woman to be the Messiah, Hebrew for “the Anointed One.” While Satan would inflict a nonlethal blow on him, he would deliver a mortal blow to Satan. When Satan influenced Judas to betray Jesus the Messiah to be crucified, he was trying to nullify this prophecy. Instead, the prophecy was fulfilled; God prevailed and Jesus conquered death (see Colossians 2:15). Revelation 20:7-10 predicts the ultimate blow to Satan’s head, when God will destroy him, and Jesus the Messiah will reign forever.

Source: Daily Walk Bible

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