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In The Beginning…



Genesis opens with two accounts of Creation. The first (1:1–2:4) describes the events in chronological order; the second (2:4-25) considers the events topically in order to focus on one particular aspect of Creation. The first provides a wide-angle view of the creation of the universe; the second takes a zoom-lens look at the climax of Creation—man and woman—for they are the ones who will bear God’s image and enjoy God’s fellowship in the garden prepared especially for them.


What is the longest book you have ever read? What is the greatest distance you have ever walked? What is the biggest meal you have ever eaten? And what could these three curious questions possibly have in common? In case you haven’t guessed, they are all examples of big projects completed in small stages. You read that book one page at a time . . . covered that distance one step at a time . . . ate that meal one bite at a time. One page, one step, one bite might not seem like much when compared to the whole, but each brings you closer to your goal. This year, with the help of The Daily Reading, you’ll be reading through the entire Bible—all 1,189 chapters of it. And you’ll discover you can reach your goal—one day at a time. Are you ready to launch your exciting expedition through the Bible? It starts with the first words of Genesis: “In the beginning God created . . .” THAT GOD CREATED US FROM DUST IS NO REASON TO TREAT ANOTHER PERSON LIKE DIRT.

Big Questions, Bigger Answers

Gen. 1:1 The first verse in this English Bible (Genesis 1:1) uses only ten words to answer four of the most basic questions that thinking individuals ask: (1) What exists? (2) How did it get there? (3) Did it have a beginning? (4) Who was responsible? The answers have been graciously supplied by the only One who was there at the time.

In His Image

Gen. 1:27 The words “created . . . in his own image” (1:27) reveal much about our essential human nature. Of all God’s creatures, we alone have moral freedom and will. Only we are capable of thinking about and knowing God. Like him, we are a unity of being—body, soul, and spirit. We have reason, emotions, and creative ability; the possibilities for comparison are numerous. And in our original, unfallen state, we reflected the very righteousness and immortality of God.

The Days of Creation

Gen. 1:1-31 If the days of Creation as recorded in Genesis 1:1-31 are arranged in two columns of three days each, you’ll discover an interesting fact:

First God created the realm Then God created the ruler

Day 1—LightDay 4—Sun, moon, and stars

Day 2—Sky and oceansDay 5—Birds and fish Day

3—Dry landDay 6—Animals and

Source: Daily Walk Bible

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